Closed Bug 836332 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Deploy ndk-stack on foopies


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: CIDuty, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gbrown, Assigned: Callek)




(3 files)

ndk-stack is a standalone executable included in the Android NDK. ndk-stack generates a report from an Android tombstone; we hope that these reports will help debug Android crashes.

To use ndk-stack in this way, we need it to be deployed to the foopies.

Unfortunately, the ndk-stack included in the Android NDK has a bug that we hit quite often. :jchen found a fix and built his own version: we would prefer to deploy that version (attached).

(Source patch for ndk-stack is provided in bug 803158).
Blocks: 803158
Ok a few issues/procedural nits with this.

* We [still] have Foopies running as a Mac OS (two flavors of mac, as well :/ )
* Our systems are Linux64 without the 32-bit libs installed

So we'd need at the least a linux ndk-stack that works on 64 bit linux, and if we need this everywhere now (as in, most tegras) we need some way to make it work/install on the mac foopies we have now (which is manual).

As far as the deployment, I'll be much much happier if this was doable as an RPM, but don't go out of your way to create/setup one (as in, if there is no "ndk-stack" RPM we can cherry pick)

Either way, I want very detailed steps to regenerate the executable or RPM, which include sources/stuff that is not stored locally or at Android's discretion (as in, I don't want to link to and then find out a year from now when we need/want to update the patch for this binary, that the source moved. )

If RPM the docs at should help as a rough guide of what I need to do it (e.g. I don't believe we'd build inside mock for foopies, but I'd confirm that and test before we deploy anyway)

In the end, if you feel we can wait until sometime in Q2 to begin this, we can have all Linux Foopies rather than the mish-mash we have now, and do this work easier. (I'm just not sure how much of anything it blocks)
we could deploy to the linux foopies now (when documented and rpm'd) and write code to only run ndk-stack if we are on linux and the binary exists.
Attached file ndk-stack binaries
Unfortunately, there don't seem to be RPMs available. Attached is an archive of the fixed ndk-stack for Linux 32/64-bit and for Mac 32/64-bit. Build instructions are below,

First, clone the NDK source repository,

> git clone -b master ndk-src
> cd ndk-src

Next, apply the patch. For example,

> curl "" | git am

Next, build ndk-stack,

> make -C sources/host-tools/ndk-stack -f GNUMakefile

Finally, the binary is located inside /tmp/ndk-$USER,

> file /tmp/ndk-$USER/ndk-stack
I hope to be able to tackle this soon.
Assignee: nobody → bugspam.Callek
Product: → Release Engineering
:jchen, :gbrown -- apologies that this fell off my radar, apparantly my idea of "soon" was flawed back then. 

Does this bug still hold value, if so how much of a priority do you feel it holds?

If it still has value has anything changed in this past year with regard to the previous comments here?
Flags: needinfo?(nchen)
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
I'm not sure if this is still relevant, but Geoff will know.
Flags: needinfo?(nchen)
This does still hold value: I think there is still hope that ndk-stack could provide more / better debugging information in some crash cases. It is not a high priority: We do not have many unexplained crashes currently.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
gbrown: apologies for the repeated NEEDINFO here, but does this have any value for Pandas? I'd prefer to simply WONTFIX if this is tegra-only.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
No problem :coop. 

This bug applies equally to all our Android platforms: Pandas and the Android emulators now.
Flags: needinfo?(gbrown)
On second thought, we're going to use a different approach -- see bug 1042097.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Component: Platform Support → Buildduty
Product: Release Engineering → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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